Madeline Man

Madeline Man


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About Me

I am a girl. I am fifteen years old but I have lived what seems like one hundred. I no longer dwell on the past, I leave that to my writing. I prefer living each day like there is not going to be another one, so there really is not time to regret or be sad about the things that have happened.

I am a girl. I love gray days when the cool breeze is just strong enough to send shivers down your back and the promise of a storm lays on the horizon. I love to spin in circles as the rain pours over me. Most of all however, I love to write music.

I am a girl. I am a girl who writes lyrics and sings them and plays along with them on her guitar. I am a girl who writes poetry and stories on days when she should probably be doing other things. I am a girl.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Maddiy I can't send the crew pictures to you it wont let me, but I put them in my album so I think you can get them from there. I put most of them in my album.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

look at the pictures i put up

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Posted 15 Years Ago

im so pumped for to night and this weekend

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Posted 16 Years Ago

ya maddiy!!!!