I was wearing white. It was a summer dress and it cut off a little above my knees. I had a sun-kissed tan, and I was wearing my Guess sunglasses. My d..
Wherever you go, can I go to?
It's always yes, no, or maybe so.
Except today when I asked you never said a word.
I knew exactly what you had to say..
Life is life, us teenagers don't even know the half, okay may the 17+ up do, but we have no reason to complain. We may lose friends, we may gain some,..
Remember all those days I'd sit in my room
My world was doom and gloom
I was plotting my demise
No, I never thought I could rise
There is a hole..
Oh you, where would I be if I didn't have you?
You are my escape to a wonderful place.
It's so odd to see myself with such a solemn face.
I really ..
What is the meaning of being lonely?
Why doI feel this way?
I have everything I need - or so they say.
They say that I am just crazy.
That I need..
Leave me alone
Leave me be
Can't you see I'm crying?
Why do you ask?
Do you even care?
You'll turnaway anyways.
Just drink in my sadness
You never got this message that I wrote to you.
I just wanted to tell you how I fell for you.
This pen is scrambling across this page and I want you..
They called you the little love.
They called you the beautiful morning dove.
Now what should I call you that would make you happy?
Maybe beauty div..
R.I.P Arwen.