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CUNTstable, Zimbabwe
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About Me

Well... i come from a broken family. my dad is an abusive a*s hole. he likes to take everything out on me cuz i am the oldest kid at his house and i always seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time... and he likes to hit my 6 year old sister. she always seems to do something wrong and piss him off. but its hard because i cant stand up to him because i am so afraid of him and there is nothing i can do when i am scared. thats when i went through my depression time and i cut and went baulimic and stupid s**t like that... its hard growing up in a family like that. but my mom is a goddes she saves me from everything. my best friend is devon. i can tell her anything from my sex life to trying on eachothers bras lol. i love her. i absolutly love my boyfrind jordon. he is my everything and no one and nothing can change that. i can tell him anything and do anything with him. he is my life. i love you. well... i started to write after me parents found out that i cut, and i didnt know how to handle my pain so i wrote a poem and devon said she liked it and i just kept writing from there. love ya byes... and my lil sis kayla is amazing lol... i entered one of my peoms... "not even you" in a poetry contest... and i am going to semi-finals and i am getting it published in a book called "imortal vurses" yay i cant wait it comes out in fall 2007 check it out!


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Posted 16 Years Ago

lol i odnt like court either

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Posted 16 Years Ago

i want him to bring me a free taco lol

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Posted 16 Years Ago

lol hes to obsessed with fable

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Posted 16 Years Ago

idk im wicked tired... did you add jordons writerscafe yet?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

yeah its no problem i was scared

adnd im sick so idk...

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Posted 16 Years Ago

you go to were it says comments type it in and press post comments

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Posted 16 Years Ago

so in your bio you have how great mom devon and jordon are but you dont have your wonderful sister god i hate you
jk i love you and you are a great writer even if some times i dont seem interested

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hello :) welcome to writers cafe! :) i love your avatar so cute lol

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Posted 16 Years Ago

i hope things get better for ya, all i can offer you are my prayers and hope that we will be able to identify with each other in writing. life's tough and sometimes you have to get by how you can, im glad you have good friends and a great mom, that is important when your going through such a hard time, welcome :)