Crystal Rose : Writing

Love Hurts

Love Hurts

A Poem by Crystal Rose

It seems when you need peace the most Life throws you a curve ball And hurts you with Unbelievable force The sorrow and pain Is almost too much ..


A Poem by Crystal Rose

On this very land Not that long ago The same thing happened A mind overthrown Well I stayed with you Though it hurt so bad When they all left I..
Twisted Rose

Twisted Rose

A Poem by Crystal Rose

Shades of gray Colors gone No sense of Whats right and wrong Petals cry On my sholder When I was supposed To cry on them Thorns going inwa..


A Poem by Crystal Rose

My silent vow The pressure builds As the night goes on My minds fills A secret swear Which you cannot tell My life is ending As I go to hell A..


A Poem by Crystal Rose

About a love I once had, he was so sensitive and delacate and beautiful... he was like a daisy.
My own worst enemy

My own worst enemy

A Poem by Crystal Rose

About my battle with depression.


A Poem by Crystal Rose

Not just a fork in the road There must be 20 different ways Not a one I wouldn't choose Its a curse agahst Agaze Which one to pick This, I don..


A Poem by Crystal Rose

About a girl who has lots of friends, but still feels like she isn't loved.
Never Thought

Never Thought

A Poem by Crystal Rose

I recently found out that a friend (who will remain unnamed) had been sexually and physicaly abused for 4 years. This is her story.
Crystal Rose

Crystal Rose

A Poem by Crystal Rose

Crystal Rose is my pen name, and I chose to write a poem about why I call myself Crystal Rose. Crystal is beautiful and pure, and a rose is (in my op..

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