About Me
I'm 23 (24 in April, just in case I forget to change this later) I started to write poems and stories during my 3 year Engineering course at college. I passed my course but decided Engineering was not for me. I wanted to be a writer (and still do).
When I was young (between 11 - 16) I was lead to believe that this would not be possible - I could not grasp the simple concepts of the English language let alone string a sentence together that would actually make sense, I strugled to spell any word with more than three letters, and after a while I gave up trying.
So what changed? I went into Engineering because I enjoyed math, and I wanted to do something to impress my grandfather - an Electronic Engineer who spent his spare time helping me with my learning difficulties and patiently listening to me read slowly and resite my times tables.
I had a learning support advisior who would sit with me in a few of my classes. checking my work and helping me improve it. On one of these occasions I was mucking around (because I was getting bored) writing a poem. something I was intending to just throw in the bin later on. My learning support advisior (after finishing the work she had been checking for me) looked at my poem and asked whether I had ever tried to get anything published. I looked at her and them at my poem and answered that I couldn't write. Lets just sat she managed to convince me and I have now published that first poem "Cats" as well as two others. I intend to one day publish a book (a novel) and I will never stop writing.
My Latest problem: I've lost a story... It's one of my thillers called borrowed time and it dicided to walk. (problem solved)