Through the window is…
A class full of laughter, and screaming entertainment.
That is until you start to dream, start to daydream
A Chapter by Tacie
Tendu 4th deviant, and close first. Raise leg with Fondu. Pointe Tendu. Close First. Repeat.
Zayaa Wilford did exactly as her ballet tapes said, but ..
My friend wrote this... she's too shy though to post or let anyone read it! I just thought this needed to get out! It's amazing!
A Chapter by Tacie
Crunch, crunch. Luke had heard it every night since he was twelve. It would crunch, then pause, and then crunch once more. Even when he had moved to U..
Ithink he loves me I think he does
I wouldn't know because I can't understand the way
He looks at me or possibly the way he touches ..
"Stranger things have happened, and will happen to you. That is why I must leave." The last thing Allison heard her father say before he left would..
A Chapter by Tacie
Each person sitting in the room slowly twisted their heads, turning their focus towards her as she ran to the door, panting with a rush of adrenaline...
A Story by Tacie
The hour was late, the night dark. He had nowhere to go, no place to sleep, and he longed to see his beloved children... one last time.