Vicente Guerrero

Vicente Guerrero


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About Me

Vicente Guerrero moved to the United States when he was 8 years old. As a freshman in high school, he began to write poems about his daily life. In them, he wrote about his troubled family life. In high school, he was a good student but away from campus, he was always getting into trouble, and was involved with the wrong crowd. Being around the wrong crowd and in the wrong lifestyle, he began to become depressed and that depression fueled his writings even more. By the time he was 17, he tried and commit suicide twice. After his failed suicide attempts, friends who read his writings encouraged him to write a story. During his senior year of high school, he self-published his first book, Street Kazualtiez. Two years later, he finished a second book, Eyes of a Lost Soul, another self-published book in 2004. In 2006, Should You Look Inside, a collection of poems from his high school days, was published. All of his books are based or inspired by his life experiences growing up. Currently, the author is working on other books, and also is involved in the music industry where he owns half of a music label.