lrebel : Writing



A Poem by lrebel

Easy one


A Poem by lrebel

We have a place in New Hampshire on a river . We sit by the fire any night we are up there . My imagination wanders back there when the demon comes a ..
Growing Old

Growing Old

A Poem by lrebel

Most often times my writing is intended as lyrics but I almost always veer off into poorly formed poetry. Here is another.


A Poem by lrebel

None needed . Apply it as it applies. This one set my wife afire wanting to know; "OK. What's going on?"
Ancient Blackbird

Ancient Blackbird

A Poem by lrebel

It's a dream I had, translated to words.
Back Again

Back Again

A Poem by lrebel

I don't really want to wreck it by saying "what is about" . It's me. It's in there and its not comfortable.