I want to spend every minute with you,Not one second without you, But soon enough, I'm begging for some time alone.I want to stay in your arms,And nev..
Everything from,Our first date,To,Our first kiss,To,Our first dance,To,Our first love,To,Our first apartment,To,Our first baby,ToOur first house.All o..
Love is such a simple thing.Yet it takes songs, poems, booksTo sum it up.Truth is, Love is such a simple thing,And yet, It's the most complex concept,..
When death pays me a visit,I want to be scattered into the ocean.I want my loved ones to wave goodbye.I want you to remind my family,That when they se..
Will I ever be able to forgive you?What you did hurt me.Why would you hurt someone you love?Do I mean something to you,Or is she a bigger part of your..
There's him.The safe choice.I would be guaranteed a healthy,Fastidious, Easy relationship.Then there's you.The Insidious choice.It would be an adventu..
If you really knew me...
You would know that I'm sympathetic for everyone,
You would know that I feel like my sister is better than me,
You w..
I didn't see this coming. How could I be so nugatory?Then again,How could God's message be so blunt?I thought I would have you forever.Every time you ..
Bland.The word I would use to describe my life before you came into it.Sipid.The word I would use to describe my life after you came into it.I used to..
Amber McKinley sat up on the morning of October 31st, her dead son's birthday. She slowly maneuvers out of bed to the nightstand and glances in the m..