Lullay, Thou
little tiny Child,
Sleep well , lullay, lullay
And smile while dreaming, little one
sleep well, lullay, lullay
Fair well Lullay,..
We can chase the dark together...if you go, then so will I..."Seth? Seth!"Yue sat on the bed, crouched over his shivering body as he coughed and hacke..
Dawn’s early light brightened the sky with neon colors of pink, orange, blue, and purple. The chill of night receded as the summer sun made its ..
A small drabble that I was inspired for after school.
I can’t say no to those I love…
“I hate you!”
“Do you hate me?”
“I hope you go kill yourself!”
War and Peace
We are different. You may pass us on the streets and think we are one of you, or you may not even see us at all. We were born a long t..
Bright, warm flames flickered in the fireplace, lapping at the brick in a swaying motion that would remind you of a slow dance. It burned at the br..
...I won't let you fall apart...