Descisions, descisions.Why do I feel like I'm wasting time?If you wanted me to stay,You would have gaven me reasons to believe you.I listened to her, ..
It's weird that I keep thinking about this...*erm, person.. nonstop. I don't thinkthings should beas they are, but itdoesn't seem wrong? Anyways,it wa..
I could say nothing more
Got no more reasons to stay
Just another day, where I wanna be left
She keeps ..
Blue, Yellow, Purple, GreenDifferent in many waysStill so much the very sameBlue is so calm and sereneYellow is so alert and hyperPurple keeps all the..
My life is so complicated. You want to know why?Last year I got locked in a room. It was all a rush. One minute I’m outside myhouse, the next I&..
Walking out into the back porch I looked beyond the small fence of my backyard. I was gonna go to the park but then I remembered something. Today is t..
I stared down at the floor for a while. I didn’t realize that I was talking out loud-about my mom and the garden. He looked up at me with a gui..
*** I kept twisting and turning in my bed. Couldn’t get any sleep at all. My mind was too busy thinking about what the paper would have said I w..
*** Gaining sight again, I find myself in astrange room. I try to reach out to find the light switch but some kind of ropeheld me back. I looked down ..