Lord of mad men : Writing

 twisted fate

twisted fate

A Poem by Lord of mad men

we are two old souls bond together by the strings of fate in this web of life to old souls bond to love live and loosefate brings themtogether then t..


A Poem by Lord of mad men

Sanity what is It? Is it free thinking Is it creativity Is it being your self Is it happiness Is it bliss What is it.
Your touch

Your touch

A Poem by Lord of mad men

I desire Your touch You soft skin On top of me Your eyes just Above me in the dark To feel every Groove on your body Find all you secrets ..
My deepest desire

My deepest desire

A Poem by Lord of mad men

I yorn for You body To be intertangled With mine I want to Hear your breath I wish to feel the heat That radiates from Your body I yore fo..
Fist time

Fist time

A Poem by Lord of mad men

When I met you My heart skipped a beat My voice was scilances But you beauty I want to know Everything about you In that moment I could lis..
 The beginning

The beginning

A Chapter by Lord of mad men

10 - 13-1999 when it all started and it was in the newly built town of Kingzbridgeston, U.S, A. it all was a big mistake but there’s no time for..
 My mess

My mess

A Chapter by Lord of mad men

How you know if you got it is you will start to feel hot, itchy, sweaty, your joints start to hurt, then the rest of your body starts to hurt, your bo..
My bight idea

My bight idea

A Chapter by Lord of mad men

It was 10 - 13-1999 when it all got out of control! I stared working on a new project that might change the world for ever. I was planning on finding ..
 The Doc

The Doc

A Chapter by Lord of mad men

I was looking everywere.when I met a man named Dr. Victor van Krook. But everybody knew him as Doc. I heard some rumors about him but chose not to be..