KT : Writing

Supernatural Beings Have Some Weird Quirks...

Supernatural Beings Have Some Weird Quirks...

A Chapter by KT

I'm tired. Aksana's tired. The real action starts here. Please enjoy.
WHY Oh Why Do People Have To Talk?...

WHY Oh Why Do People Have To Talk?...

A Chapter by KT

Yeah, please enjoy.
Things Get...Weird...

Things Get...Weird...

A Chapter by KT

:) I hope you enjoy! SO, what happens to Aksana now? Did anyone find her? Was it that werewolf? READ ON TO FIND OUT!!


A Book by KT

I suck at intros so...Here's a story about a girl. A girl who's different. Different how? Read the book title. But that's not all that makes her diffe..
A Little Suicide Ditty...

A Little Suicide Ditty...

A Poem by KT

Watch what you say, you might just end someone's life...
The Power of NEON SIGNS!!!!

The Power of NEON SIGNS!!!!

A Story by KT

Yeah, this actually happened. Please, read on....
Chapter 1!!!

Chapter 1!!!

A Chapter by KT

It's the first chapter! Yay!
Chapter 2?

Chapter 2?

A Chapter by KT

It's the second chapter.....Yeah....
Chapta 3

Chapta 3

A Chapter by KT

Ah-boo-yah. :D
The 4th Chapter

The 4th Chapter

A Chapter by KT
