I joined Writerscafe almost 10 years ago, when it was in its infancy. I dealt with the breakdown when it lost our writing and many of my pieces were unrecoverable. Which, as you can imagine was pretty heart breaking. I’ve been writing since I was in junior high and dappled for many years in the realm of fanfiction.
I am still writing just no longer publishing my stuff on sites like this. That isn’t to say that I won’t come back at some point and publish again, but in the meantime I’ve been working on a novel that I think will appeal to an audience who loves horror, and Japanese animation/culture.
Since I’ve been away I moved to Tokyo and then Denver, Colorado. I worked as a school teacher, and now work as a nurse. There are always ideas clamoring around in my mind, but I find that time is not on my side anymore. I hope to come back; but I make no promises.