Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller


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Solana Beach, CA
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About Me

After spending last year as a doctoral student in Transpersonal Psychology, I revisited my motives in striving for this degree. In reality what I love doing is cooking, traveling, gardening and writing all about it. Faced with years ahead in a research lab and writing all about it, I slowly confronted truth, my own personal experience. What was my truth? Always waiting for results, so I could write all about that? Not any more. Waking from a dream full of road signs in late May, I burned up old Highway 101 to Ft. Bragg, CA where I chopped, whirled and pressed my way into becoming a Raw Foods Chef. Packing my snappy new toque underarm, I returned home to find the position of Editor-in-Chief of a small, start-up local magazine waiting on my doorstep for my consideration. Doesn't take a leap of imagination to guess I didn't turn it down, and so begins the second most exciting chapter of my personal experience. Elizabeth Miller, August 2007


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Welcome to the Cafe', Elizabeth! Hope u enjoy the atmosphere and make many new friends ... Twilight Dancer/TD :)