Sarah Jean

Sarah Jean


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About Me

Hello, I'm Sarah. I'm 17 and from Australia and I'm interested in an eclectic spectrum of things, specifically in relation to literature and film.
I like to litter my life with music and poetry.
I experience and express the richness of my freedom through the written word. My state of mind is often the force that moves my pen across the page, offering a quick glance beneath the surface.
I believe words are the most beautiful weapon known to man.
"I think, therefore I am."


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Posted 11 Years Ago

No worries :) Its such a great boost in your writing confidence isnt it? The feedback i've gotten me has made me feel like i have a talent. At the moment im in my last year of school and im caught between one english teacher telling me im a talent and the other telling me im nothing special and just making me feel completely deflated. But yeah it's great having people with a shared interest in writing to talk to and get feedback from :)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Hi! I figured I'd carry my comment here so I don't clutter up your writing page.
But I completely agree that this site is so great for getting awesome feedback and reviews. When I first joined, I was amazed by how enthusiastic everyone was. Hardly any of my friends like to write, so this place is brilliant!
And thank you so much for the review! I really appreciate it. :)