Follow my visions to a fountain, set amongst leaving a marriage while trying to hear God's plan. I think you'll be thankful for the journey.
[b]AS I WRITE[/b], my loft apartment shifts to night enveloping me in darkness, except for my monitor. Writing, foregoing dinner, to capture what ha..
AFTER MY FATHER DIED, my mother moved us into my first step-father’s house. My bedroom was creepy, with two doors in the middle of the house. On..
I RESISTED, but latched onto another boy. I eventually married him nine years later. While seeking God I was told I was a freak. Sadly, I put God on a..
I HAD BEGUN going to church in 2004 and was increasing my faith though bible studies. When The Angel vision came to me, it was without a doubt beyond ..
TWO YEARS IN, my marriage had accumulated baggage beyond repair and one day I dumped it all out; "it was strewn all over the house and I said, “..
GOING TO CHURCH, I began to exude love—the kind of love that cannot be hidden. My eyes had a glow, my face was flush—a friend noticed, &ld..
AFTER WORK ONE DAY, I was drawn to the window to check my herbs. Touching the dirt to check for needed moisture, and fondling the leaves for a scent. ..
AS I SAT BY THE FOUNTAIN, my thoughts immediate went to my vision of the elephant fountain. I had been rushing by this fountain every morning, and I&r..
I HEADED TOWARD THE YOGA PLACE for once last peak—I’d lost track of time by now. I wondered if the class consisted of more than just two&m..