Yesterday, in the last day of September,we drove aimlesslyas if in search of nothingbut looking for everything.And somehow, we stumbledupon the sublim..
I've woken up too many times like thisin this haze.It feels like alcohollike the buzz it leaves you with,god it leaves you therejust staringand wonder..
When you build upA towerThinking it's on bricks,And it's not,And the sand sinksRight below you,The sky seems even more blue,You appreciate the hazy cl..
The mind's ability to learn and retain,Yet blur and forget.Its power to influenceYet its weakness to fall beneath emotions.Its strength to manipulate,..
The building was quietexcept for the buzz of a neighbor's televisionand the cigarette smoke that lingeredand slipped under one apartment door,making i..
These are the days, the days when your fridge only holds some eggs and old rice, when you fall asleep on the couch and you can't remember why, when yo..
I stood for so long in the shower today. The water was hot and burning my skin and making it red and splotchy. But I didn't think about it because I w..
she woke up one morningfeeling eerie, feeling hauntedby the dreams that filledher sleep the night before.the sun poked through theivory curtains,the o..
the snow outside reflects a strong, bright light through the open blinds.you are still in your boxer shorts and tattered t-shirt.hair is like a nest f..
A glass door coversWhat I call history.It's only pictures andWatches and baby shoes.But the eyes that look at me,Made of paper,Are ancestors, people I..