Melissa Perry : Writing

Why it is

Why it is

A Poem by Melissa Perry

Why is it When i look into to your eyes I can see your sole The person who you are to become The person who youbecome to be. to feel your warm..


A Poem by Melissa Perry

My life is so hard. things keep happening, and i can't stop them i end up making things hearder, but i don't mean to it would be nice if things..


A Poem by Melissa Perry

Aam all alone, in this deep dark place. where no one is there, it is dark. there is no light. all is black. in this deep, dark, hole. i..
Thy Unknown

Thy Unknown

A Poem by Melissa Perry

In this place we live in for what to another biding, this place is courpet, why ? for what we have made it become. we see stuff. things on ..