Davidgeo : Writing

Aloha, Snackbar!

Aloha, Snackbar!

A Poem by Davidgeo

Sand breaks down
Hug Box

Hug Box

A Story by Davidgeo

It's not politically correct, but read it anyway poosy
Befriending Animals.

Befriending Animals.

A Poem by Davidgeo

We are great friends
Flint-Parker Mind Baby

Flint-Parker Mind Baby

A Poem by Davidgeo

If Captain Flint and Dorothy Parker had a baby....
Unblock the Sinnerman

Unblock the Sinnerman

A Poem by Davidgeo

I will give you Power.... off the lord... you and me my friend... Power.... power with no god my friend... we are power.
Pirates are Hackers

Pirates are Hackers

A Poem by Davidgeo

limb from limb I tear from you bit by bit your flesh I rend from you
Takes Pretty Easy To Hurt

Takes Pretty Easy To Hurt

A Poem by Davidgeo

You're just so pretty in that thin skin of ours


A Poem by Davidgeo

and things