The life is meant for living in the midst of tough realities. It is very hard to accept especially for me
Everyone has a definite role in this drama of life, and I don't like my role, but acting so beautifully to please creator
I was hesitant in beginning to accept my role in my life, now I am embracing and am free.
I want all the abundance and fullness of this life, I want to have this life as most successful, I can see the sunshine through the clouds
Once in a while life takes the form of floods, this poem dedicated for everyone who experienced floods in life
This poem is about the perception of a spouse to escape or manage the mess of challenging family life
This poem is dedicated to my best friend and my favorite poet, the poet and friend may read this poem one day and definitely both will astonish about ..
decisions in general deserves so much attentions, think and analyse many times prior making decisions, otherwise price we have to pay can be higher
The life is too short, sometimes hard to accept that this life can abrupt it's journey any second. I wish everyone including my self rewind this fact ..
life is a journey we all are different type of travellers