Linda alexander : Writing

Looking back

Looking back

A Poem by Linda alexander

Be nice to yourself,Aham Brahmam, I am the world. Tat Tvam Asi, me, the universe, the God all are in one union
Can a predator destroy teens life

Can a predator destroy teens life

A Poem by Linda alexander

Adults manipulating and destroying teens life is horrible
Longing for my door

Longing for my door

A Poem by Linda alexander

It is a shame to humanity if we are not looking for options to survive, sorry if you disagree
Do you know her

Do you know her

A Poem by Linda alexander

This poem is about your decisions about your days and the mark you leave when you permanently sleep
Tribute to my mother, my role model

Tribute to my mother, my role model

A Poem by Linda alexander

Bhagyavantham prasooyedha verse is from Sanskrit relegious book, Mahabharatham,there Kunti devi gets advice to give birth to lucky children rather tha..
I did not believe in poetry until last week

I did not believe in poetry until last week

A Poem by Linda alexander

This poem dedicated for my favorite poet and my best friend
None can steal my passion or dreams

None can steal my passion or dreams

A Poem by Linda alexander

This is very superficial poem, about people in general trying to steal your dreams, use them to rejuvenate yourself like bird phoenix
Small dreams in new years day

Small dreams in new years day

A Poem by Linda alexander

simple thoughts of January first 2014
Consciousness, heart and brain which comes first

Consciousness, heart and brain which comes first

A Poem by Linda alexander

Consciousness and heart should get priority not brain, but opposite way it happens most of the time
Tribute to my militarily sister

Tribute to my militarily sister

A Poem by Linda alexander

Who influenced me a lot, may be my sister who is workaholic, strict, but good at heart