Donald Meikle : Writing

Lady Luck

Lady Luck

A Poem by Donald Meikle

Circumstance and Happenstance collided at a door I saw her there so sweet and fair And staggered back in awe The memory is with me yet Tis one I'l..
more Trish

more Trish

A Story by Donald Meikle

Trish sat there absentmindedly scratching Oofa's nose, It was getting warmer again and her wings kept sticking. Krill, her friend and fellow dragon te..
Cryptic Grip

Cryptic Grip

A Poem by Donald Meikle

shorn, shattered moments torn, tattered thoughts tormented tries for pleasing peace life once mattered more or less now is scattered in wi..
My New Year's Resolution

My New Year's Resolution

A Poem by Donald Meikle

is blurredNot recallingmotionI am movedagainresolute


A Poem by Donald Meikle

In this year of our lord 2012 Happy Birthday Jesus Merry Christmas to all Saint Nick loves you too Don't know why I feel blue Maybe so much to ..
ten words

ten words

A Poem by Donald Meikle

Thanks works for me the only prayer that ever did


A Poem by Donald Meikle

Getting into it

Getting into it

A Poem by Donald Meikle

December third and what a day Strolling slowly in shirtsleeves to empty a too full mail box Then tucking down a hot lunch Soup and sandwich Bir..
Hi Mom

Hi Mom

A Poem by Donald Meikle

An Ode
What day is it?

What day is it?

A Poem by Donald Meikle

Someday I'll pen a poem One that will cause me to pause and Wonder at its birth of worth Someday maybe at the wee hours Of a Sunday Fall morning's..