Donald Meikle : Writing

Holding wonder

Holding wonder

A Story by Donald Meikle

I saw a child holding wonder today The loading dock doors were both open As I entered the post office proper The swinging doors were propped open w..
Just woods. Just life. Just ice.

Just woods. Just life. Just ice.

A Poem by Donald Meikle

a look at present tense
wozzit There?

wozzit There?

A Poem by Donald Meikle

and today I learned a secret about how to live and love and I learned of all the others who had reached out to above believing dreams can happen..
rolling stones

rolling stones

A Poem by Donald Meikle

In this the sheltered home of druids birth Is played a symphony of mother earth As stones wear round amid the sound Of ever dancing whirling waters..
free formed

free formed

A Poem by Donald Meikle

It wasn�t much to look upon A page of simple words Blown along to twist anon A rage of thoughts un heard Caught at last on leafles..
Berserker but

Berserker but

A Poem by Donald Meikle

Wide twisted grayed white cloud of thunder O'er ground so hallowed waiting in asunder A tale untold until the flash of crashin..
like it is

like it is

A Poem by Donald Meikle

Sipping slowly Fast broken Reading into Words unspoken Sailing into neaps and swollen Tides of ethereal friendship Kindled kindred souls sail..

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