Donald Meikle : Writing

Moon Harvest

Moon Harvest

A Poem by Donald Meikle

This moon pulled sea I breathe in This place between the two A moving bounce of echoes That cools a raging rolling fire Impressively in orbit's th..


A Poem by Donald Meikle

It's another Sunday morning Almost Thanksgiving and brisk Dontcha just love optimists Brisk The sun is shining The rhody's leaves are wide open..
Bottom's Up from Here

Bottom\'s Up from Here

A Poem by Donald Meikle

sometimes sad's so stinkin' easy Whining all the weary day Sinkin' lower with each moment Knowing it won't go away This hole I fell in's gettin' ..
Now and then

Now and then

A Poem by Donald Meikle

I got friends who are dying Isn't everybody? Yeah . But they live as if they were. Making every moment and chance count Sorta like a hawk Or a sp..
A voice in the mist

A voice in the mist

A Poem by Donald Meikle

Sa sit an sip a dram wi me We'll do again those grand ol days Sa lately hidin' in a haze What was the cause of such a daze Sa soon f'got sa soon ..
Born to Fly

Born to Fly

A Poem by Donald Meikle

a stray oak leaf skittered across frozen snow and we flew together


A Poem by Donald Meikle

I hope my soul is beating time As heart full feelings spill in rhyme Sunset redness fills my eyes Spilling tears to no surprise The taste of memo..
The Fall of Man

The Fall of Man

A Poem by Donald Meikle

Back then Fall called to me Waving the challenge of ice Betrayal of crunch crackle leaves Too many layers to move in Yet not enough to stand in ..
What goes around

What goes around

A Poem by Donald Meikle

Bring me back to I don't care Back to I'll just comb my hair Straighten up my ruffled shirt And never never show I hurt Freedom isn't free. I paid..
Unlimited Greed

Unlimited Greed

A Poem by Donald Meikle

What's a politician?