Arwen Evenstar : Writing



A Chapter by Arwen Evenstar

He took from my hand an apple. It wasn't a perfectly round apple, it had a few mishaps here and there. It was a green and yellow apple. He then threw ..


A Poem by Arwen Evenstar

As, I'm sitting here, I've got millions of things Running through my head. None of them are making Any sense. I'm even having problems With writ..
i love you

i love you

A Poem by Arwen Evenstar

I sit in the corner of my room I sit and ponder About all the times we've Been through Could it really be that simple? Were you really sitting th..
The chosen few

The chosen few

A Book by Arwen Evenstar

About some teenagers who go on a mission to save their village and the world they live in. Not really sure where I'm wanting to go with it just yet. S..


A Chapter by Arwen Evenstar

Looking back about two years ago you would never think I would be who I am now. I was really little and never could take anyone o..
The Journey Begins

The Journey Begins

A Chapter by Arwen Evenstar

Chase: *Three hours later.* Can we rest? I’m really tired. Josh: Did you not listen? You were supposed to train and be read..


A Poem by Arwen Evenstar

I actually cried when I wrote this. My grandmother just recently died, and i never got a chance to say goodbye. (she lived in Florida) This poem means..
A funeral

A funeral

A Chapter by Arwen Evenstar

Dear mom, You used to stay up all night and worry about me. Now I wonder if you would still worry about me if you knew where I ..