As I slowly let the water drip from face I look into the
mirror. My image is blurry but I can still see part of a part of my face.
While I&rs..
According to statistics, 15 year old Ladanian Frenchman will have a felony by the age of 18. By the age of 21 he will have a child by woman he isn't m..
December 21, 2012
They said the world was supposed to end today. I have to
admit I woke up this morning kind of nervous.
I’m pretty..
Hewbrews 13:5
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,
“Never will I leave you;..
January 7, 2013
Schooled returned back into session today. It was good to
see all my friends and hear the cool things they got for Christm..
January 21, 2013
The presidential inauguration was today. Barack Obama won
his second term. They were hundreds of people in front of the white..
February 2, 2013
It has been pretty quiet around here lately. No drama, no violence, everything has been really quite.
But for some reason there i..
March 1, 2013
I ran into Mr. Jackson today. He looked pretty excited to
see me but he could see in my eyes that I didn’t have the same f..
March 27, 2013
Today was my birthday. I can really say I had much of a
celebration today though. My mom is dying; people are keeping secrets f..
April 27, 2013
My mother died today. After having breathing complications
and falling to the ground I called the police and she was rushed to ..