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About Me

Facts about moi
1. I hate labels such as emo, prep, etc. I find them stupid.
2. I can't stand people who think they are better than others.
3. I have religious opinions, strong ones to be exact.
4. Writing is not my life, but a big part of it. So I don't always have stories out
5. If you don't like me, too bad. Not everyone in life is going to be like you. So get over it.
6. If you think I'm horrible or ugly. That's an opinion not a fact.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

um i do a little of everything .. nut i mostly to hip hop and jazz ... but i'll dance to anything , im trying to get my mom to get me ball room danceing lessons ...but yea i jsut love to dance...and its ok to be curisose i am too ..sorry im not great at spelling ..later

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Posted 18 Years Ago

i love your pieces. they are wonderful. :]

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Why thank you!