About MeI am a thought provoking, mentally stimulating, intriguing and seductive 20-something beauty with a smile that will melt your heart living life in the big city and recording my findings on dating, sexplorations, romance, relationships, and anything taboo. I love exploring the deeper realm of the psyche and all the fantasies that we like to keep hidden within. I also have a passion for examining the differences between the sexes and anything else that ventures out of society's cute little acceptable box. Do you dare to enter my world of sin?
I've written articles for a few small magazines, been published, written skits for a website, blogged on numerous websites and currently part of my full-time job responsibilities includes copywriting. I've also always enjoyed writing and it has always been a part of my life. As an English major you are taught to look beyond what is there, to dig deeper and read between the lines more thoroughly. I also love reading books and magazines articles that examine the differences between the sexes, the evolution of mating, the idea of monogamy, and anything else related to relationships and sex. I have more books on this subject than anyone I know, even psychology and sexuality majors. |