Most influencial novelist of the 21 century

Most influencial novelist of the 21 century


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I was a participant of the Cold War having devoted my entire adult life from my 20th year to the end of the Cold War. My motivation was purely ideological. Unlike many others who profited in one way or another as a result of their participation in the politics of the Cold War, I did not benefit financially from the war -- in fact, I spent money out of my own pocket to keep in the war as an active participant. Long after many of these "mercenary" types are long forgotten, my memory will endure as long as readers of the Cold War history exist. Like President Ronald Reagan -- he was successful where every president fail to win the Cold War, reason being, unlike all the others -- President Reagan believed in his cause. I authored and published two humorous political novels since the end of that conflict. If you are interested in the workings of politics�especially if you are a politician yourself�my novels are in the same category of �must reading� as 1984 and The Prince [I must confess that I never read The Prince, reason being that this work represented Nicocolo Machiavelli�s rough draft of his refined work on the working of politics, The Discourses; and I didn�t want to confuse my mind with any loose ends, when I studied The Discourses.]. The story lines of my novels are original and not the run-of-the-mill stale plots that just about all other novelists use. I have dressed the characters in my novels in the cloths of politicals, who would receive the least sympathy, but at the same time tell the story of what politics is really all about. Also, I would like to note there that my first novel really represents ten different books under one cover. Since the first edition was self-published and I had to foot the entire printing bill, so I condensed each book into one chapter. Each story in the chapter could stand by itself as either a separate book or play. I am presently seeking someone in the movie and/or theatre play industry ready for a script for movie production based on my first novel. My works are written in the style of a novel, but I believe that it would not take much to re-write in a "movie script" format. The title of my first humorous political novel is Cornucopia of Fools: "50,000 Flags for the Ayatollah" & Other Stories on the American Radical Right-Wing [240 pages, hardback edition] (Copyright c 1998). My second novel is entitled, The Surreptitious Pen of ""Series Editor: Herr Doctor Professor SS-Obergruppenfuehrer Dick Armee, (M.A., PHD.(CANTB)"" [You would have to read the first chapter which sets the tempo of the novel to see the humor in the double quotes in the title of the book.] (Copyright c 1998). I am available as a speaker. I have a generous sample of the text of my first novel consisting of "Author's Introduction," descriptions of the "Major Characters," "Minor Characters," and Chapter One, entitled, "The Devil's Genetic Soup" [the shortest chapter consisting of three pages, which sets the tempo of the novel] on the following free website: -- please note the three "sss" in a row on the website address. Anyone interested in the second revised edition which will be out soon, you may contact me at my �myspace� mailing address and note in the subject section: Cornucopia book. I would deeply appreciate it if you would tell all your friends who are interested in either politics or just good reading of my novel.


Originally my pen name of choice was �Cicero Populos.� An event emerged that informed me that someone knew the born identity of the Cornucopia novel. Since my cover pen name �Cicero Populos� [a pen name having a triple meaning too complicated to explain here at the moment: Cicero of the People] was blown, I felt that I needed another pen name, also with a triple meaning. As a result I re-thought my pen name; and decided on �The Nameless Soldier [of the Cold War]� as an appropriate literary name.
I was reluctant to get involved in politics. I felt at the time that, �what did I have to offer?� I was willing to start at square one and take it from there. I entered the Cold War at the lowest rung of the political latter as a complete unknown. By the end of the Cold War, my name was known world-wide. My name was on a watch list by the enemies of Western civilization to be arrested if I ever entered their country. I was an influential player in the information propaganda war that had a major impact in the politics of the Cold War. My goal was to convert people by the printed word with well thought-out propaganda. I felt that only ideas and/or values voluntarily held is more valuable than imposing a rule over people by force of arms�the sort of quickie solution that I saw recently on a military bumper sticker: �When it absolutely, positively has to be destroyed overnight.�
I had a diplomatic passport working with INTELSAT at the time when INTELSAT�s telecommunications was responsible for ending the Cold War. When the coup was announced in the Soviet Union that Gorbachev was out and new leaders install, President George Bush�s first response was that a coup happened in the USSR, but life goes on. Unknown to the coup conspirators Gorbachev had a cell phone for such an emergency that President Reagan gave him. From Gorbachev�s house arrest he transmitted a call to Finland which relayed the call to President Bush via INTELSAT. Bush was on the spot then. Gorbachev told Bush that there has been a coup and if Bush did not denounce it and refuse to do business with the coup leaders, all the reformers would be killed. Bush reversed his first stand and made the announcement that he didn�t recognize the illegal seizure of power in the Soviet Union and shortly after this, the coup failed. If it were not for this critical relay of Gorbachev�s cell call via INTELSAT�the Cold War would not have ended.
When the Soviet Union went out of business I told my comrades at INTELSAT that there would be more crying over the demise of the USSR at the U.S. State Department and the Pentagon (their careers depended on the on-going politics of the Cold War.) than in the Kremlin as the Communists exited power. I was the only professional revolutionary with many years of experience in the field which use to get me in a lot of trouble at INTELSAT, i.e, one occasion when I raked the failed policies of the Federal Government over the coals regarding the Government�s political and ideological shortcomings�the State Department representatives took offense at my assessment of the questionable and treasonous policies of the Federal Government [one could author a seemingly endless library on the theme that the Federal Government is the world�s best example of �the Apple-Dumpling Gang� syndrome]. The next day my Division was informed that we are only to partake of the refreshments between the breaks when conferences are being held that we supported; and not take part in any conversations at the refreshment table.
At first glance politics seems like one would not necessarily even require a three-digit IQ to be in the top echelons of political power that qualifies to have one�s mug shot displayed on the front cover of news magazines. In a nut shell, the best analogy of a career in politics is like the new man�taking over from the retiring High Priest in the position of �Greeter of the Sun� [unsure as of this writing what the correct title is] in the ancient Mayan civilization whose job is to magically make the Sun rise every morning and thus insure the continuing prosperity of his people. The night before his first day on the job, he thinks to himself, that he has the easiest job in the empire: his sole responsibility is just ensuring that the Sun rises every morning��I can do this.� [It is much the same even in modern day politics�there are forces that reads like a worse case scenario of deitrologia that seem to conspire to ruin your career.] Half way around the world there is a humongous volcanic eruption in Southeast Asia in the 8th century which directly sends volcanic ash and debri directly into the atmosphere. The result is so massive that the Sun�s rays are blocked out for nearly 20 years. First day on the job for our Mayan �Greeter of the Sun� to make the Sun come up for the day; and all he sees is darkness�the ash cloud around the world has affected his area and the rays of the Sun do not penetrate the ash barrier. Somehow he manages to hold on to his job and on the last day on the job 20 years down the road he dies. The High Priest next in line as �Greeter of the Sun� takes over to try his luck the following morning. As luck would have it the ash cloud that encircled the Earth for so long has relinquished its grip and the rays of the Sun appear. Everyone in the empire was convinced that the the new "Greeter of the Sun" is doing a great job and that the guy before him was the worst "Greeter of the Sun" in the history of the empire.


Cornucopia of Fools: "50,000 Flags for the Ayatollah" & Other Stories on the American Radical Right-Wing

Copyright � 1998 by E. Thomas, Jr.


This novel represents my personal experiences of over three decades observing and investigating many levels of corrupt politics during the Cold War era. Oddly enough it isn�t the lower elements of the radical fringe that represents the most corrupt and reprehensible examples of criminality�it becomes incremental as you ascend the ladder of power.
Not long ago, as I was settling down for my dinner, a frantic phone call came in at my private residence. I instinctively thought that this was a call of grave concern, since the caller was a personal advisor to the President of the United States. The fellow on the other end of the line was in desperate need of my council and his highly excited voice gave a mental impression that he was about to jump out of his skin. He described his predicament as �the Mother of all Crises.� In short, this crisis was like no other that rocked the Government in the past.
This was no ordinary government crisis where news releases would be handed out to anxious news reporters eagerly awaiting a tidbit to pass on to the public. The problem was that the mentally deranged son of the unofficial money launderer for the White House was calling him up every five minutes that day in a desperate plea for help: he didn�t have any place to stay, he didn�t have any money and his father gave him this poor chump�s name and phone number with instructions that this �good Samaritan� would take care of him during his absence.
The father of this pitiful creature had more important fish to fry than seek proper mental health care for his son: he was on an inspection tour of his criminal operations in the Caribbean.
Unlike official appointments where the President of the United States must go through the inconvenience of securing approval from Congress�an off-the-books appointment is spared this sort of scrutiny. This avenue of running a seemingly indispensable, but illegal operation is no cake walk without pitfalls. The pressure for ratings in the news industry has created swarms of investigative reporters probing the armor of the Presidency and his administration honing in on these elusive phantom-like operations seeking that lucky break to verify corruption with hard evidence.
When such a leak reaches the wrong ears, only then does an illegal unofficial �appointment� create more headaches than they are worth�especially in the case of this particular bird. A coveted position such as the unofficial money launderer for the President of the United States has definite advantages, i.e., immunity from the laws of the land: contract murder, embezzlement of public funds, obstruction of justice, ad nauseam, which are denied to legal corporations that are scrutinized to see if they are in compliance with their articles of incorporation. This would be the envy of anyone with diplomatic immunity, who would at least be ordered to vacate the country when guilty of wrong-doing.
I informed the White House staffer that this wasn�t the first time the unofficial money launderer for the President has imposed his basket case son on ex-associates. The profile on the intended target was most peculiar: a person in the past�whose worth has been long spent and therefore, a contact worthy of a position of dumping his mentally screwed up kid on the bewildered person. I added with a malicious chuckle that I believed that Dr. Mengele was deceased since many years has passed since the President�s Money Launderer did business with him; and surely he would have utilized this avenue to rid himself of his son. Dr. Mengele would have no advanced notice of this bizarre arrival of the son of the President�s Money Launderer, nor an explanation of his mental state. For all Dr. Mengele knows this poor soul was �goodies� to experiment with.
The White House staffer countered with his belief that, �Dr. Mengele would like to get his hands on all the family members of the President�s Money Launderer.�
I gave him my advice on how to handle this peculiar situation. There was no doubt that he could expect to be contacted again by the wacky son of the White House�s unofficial money launderer, so I recommended to my contact to press this unwanted caller to turn himself in at St. Elizabeth�s Insane Asylum to take care of him until such a time that his father was back in town to take over his parental duties. I hung up the phone and thought to myself, �What a way to run a government.�