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college point, NY
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I enjoy reading books certain aurthors usually fiction and twisted thrilling and exciting adventurous. Love, horror and thriller scary books as well. Some favorite authors are john grishum. And Steven king, and love, the twilight se as, as well as stokers Dracula. I also, love writing. Been writing for quite some time now. Poems and fictional short stories as well as freelance writing. Have a vivid and wild imagination that tends to go on in stories with twist and turns. Love to write for it has always been a passion of mine. And most of all I want to make my audience I right for be able to stay on their toes and jump up with excitement and I love to visualize this most of all through my reading my own writing to make some sure audiences everywhere are happy and content with this. And that most of all I have fun doing what I am doing writing. And encouraging others to read some of my stories. I also, love a great beginning start out in my stories a main or middle structural overview. Main idea I like lots of characters and the plot or ending I always set this up with twist and turns to keep the stories real and shock mode of what others would think not just myself. Another words putting into perspective to please my audience always comes first to me. And poetry as well. I go with a certain theme and flow. And most of all have fun. And learn to except genitive or positive feedback is always helpful for I build on this and learn from my mistakes. Honesty.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Work work and keep working on my writing. I will have a poem or, two out in the next week. Will be working on my poems this week with ideas so, if I am not on site I will be after I post. Feel free when posted poems are out too read them and too comment on them with feedback. What you all might think of my poems, and positive reinforcement as well as honesty in negeitivety feedback of what needs to be changed in areas such for me my strengths and weaknesses in knowing what challenges I need to deal with so, I can better channel myself from within and turn my writing into a positive outlook for all and my audience in whom reads my work on this site. Thanks and enjoy nite everyone.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

A little bit of work is a lot of knowledge and takes wisdom. Coming straight from the heart. A little slacking off I have learned makes all work and no play jack is a dull boy at play.... so, enjoy play but work hard too go far in life, for,succeeding in life will bring us happiness and freedom. Life's to short to waist. Waist no time write, express, and be happy. A little wisdom to the point can make one sharp and change their whole artifice by listening which makes one such as me, care more and for me need to search the positive from inside out. Listening is the key and excepting positive or negitive reinforcement. Is something everyone can learn as well I can benefit from this too. A little wisdom and knowledge don't heart another words but, try to take a whole cookie in without a bite. That's difficult. Life's to short to waist

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Going to soon be working on a short stories fiction. And will be posting it soon.. I also, am going to read others stories so I can see how they are creative and work just as hard I am sure on their stories as I will be working on mine. When I put out my story feel free to give feedback. Could always use it. Hope when I post my story you enjoy them and poems as I will do the same. Have nice day to all.