Lee Wilson

Lee Wilson


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Longview, WA
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About Me

My name is Lee Wilson ,
I am currently 37 years of age and have been writing since being in the Job Corpes,
I love to writ e on anything from short stories to love and of romance in which of the latter part I do seriously lack in perhaps some lady shall find me and steal me away for to her I would write but a sonet and much more.

I grew up in Longview a small city Known as Longview, Washinton.
Our main export is wood.
Our trains cary grain as well to and from the US and Canada.

As for me , I am a commoner and reside in but a humble apartment with a dishwasher and garbage disposal and I have a dog who is half Australian Shepherd whose is whimsical at times he has one eye that is blue that matches the noon days sky and one eye that is brown with blue in ti as well. he is half lab too. that makes for a wise but whimsical dog.
None the less I love him.
Well my life is but a book yet to be written.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

I am recently transitioning from Windows to Linux.
Linux has came a long ways since it was developed.
Why the transition?

Simple why pay 300 bucks for an entire office sweet when you can have one
that is free.

Linux is also used by major Cooperations like wall mart.

if you have any questions or are thinking about it send me a message.
many of the people that create the software do ask for donations if you can do it.

Linux is open source and is under the 501 3(c) category..
any who taht is the Update and that is why I haven't been on here as of late lol.

Oh and it has built in spell check for general online documents lol

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Your bio is poetry in itself.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

hey hun, thanks again for the review of "take me back to november" and kind words ;)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thanks bud for the review... ps its not me, don't tell anyone ok lol

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Posted 17 Years Ago

just checking to see that you are alive lol

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Posted 17 Years Ago

my background was obtained by placing simple HTML code in the Profile area of your page. If you look at my RSS feed you will see the HTML code I used to get my background.

You will find that here at the Cafe thre is much to appreciate. You can learn do's and don't's from reading others writings. And others can learn from your kind critisisms, or your pleasant comments.

We are are here for the fun, and learning.
I hope this becomes a happy journey for you!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

No need to make corrections on my account, my friend. We each see God's hand in a differant manner. I enjoyed your writing, and look forward to my next reading of your other works. My opinion is just that - my opinion. Your work is good enough to stand as is!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Lee, I want to Thank you for reviewing That Special Calling . Not only was your review generously kind, but filled with wisdom.
Thank you, again

:-) Be Well

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Posted 17 Years Ago

enjoyed your review... love its grand is it not

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thanks for the review... i tried to write from the middle hence it not him/her