Leah Elisabeth : Writing

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

A Chapter by Leah Elisabeth

“It is time.” Aidan said. Samara woke Bryn and Yan. Zoe carefully awakened Jeremy. “It is time to wake up, Love.” She said so..
Don't Cry Uncle

Don\\\'t Cry Uncle

A Story by Leah Elisabeth

Dawn broke over the hills. Chris smiled. It was a new day, the first of many in a new life. He looked behind and saw the unbroken expanse of water be..
Without Your Grace

Without Your Grace

A Poem by Leah Elisabeth

I cannot speak the words are gone I am afraid I am not strong I tried so hard to sing Your praise I can't, alone without Your Grace You st..
Until it is Time

Until it is Time

A Poem by Leah Elisabeth

I hold my shattered heart tightly within my hands, innumerable fragments, impossible to heal. The tighter I hold the more it hurts, each tiny ..
The Sky

The Sky

A Poem by Leah Elisabeth

The sky is close tonight. The clouds sweep the top of the hills oppressing them with their gloominess. One cowers beneath. The sky is meant to b..
Through the Window

Through the Window

A Story by Leah Elisabeth

A young woman huddled in the corner of the cold, dank room. The room's darkness made it hard to make out any of the surroundings. There were stone wa..


A Story by Leah Elisabeth

Allison was never entirely sure what had happened. There was a bright light and a sensation of flying. She saw a dark blur rushing toward her face an..
Chani's Song

Chani\'s Song

A Poem by Leah Elisabeth

I wrote this for my niece when she was born.
My Baby

My Baby

A Poem by Leah Elisabeth

I actually didn't write this with a particular child in mind.
Broken Heart

Broken Heart

A Poem by Leah Elisabeth

I wrote this last spring.

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