About MeI'm Maggi.
Marmalade Maggi. Mag-a-Lag. The Magster. Any of the above. For starters: I love GOD. More than you could know. I love: To make people laugh. Music. The Beatles. All things Vintage. To create. Music. Writings. Art. To sing; Although it makes me nervous. My friends; You won't find a better group of kids anywhere. My Youth Group. Iced Coffee. Lazy Saturdays. Books. Good Movies. Sunday Mornings. Summer. Jumping on the Trampoline. People-watching. Photography. Records. Spur-of-the-Moment Plans. I dislike: Stupid Arguments. Onions. Hypocrites. People who are Fake. Borrowing Money. Bumming Rides, though I have to do it all the time. Scratched CDs. Burnt Toast. Wet Socks. --I'm very listical; And sarcastic. But I'm also very sporadic, and I'd love to make you laugh. Comments