resources were rapidly dwindling by 2050. In 2055, there would be no
undeveloped land in habitable c..
“Nihilo nihil fit. From nothing comes nothing. With glad
hearts we serve the Chancellorship, the Colonie..
“You’re lucky,” Christopher
intoned, twisting a golden lock of hair around his finger. His euphonious..
Helen stepped into the foyer
of her home and immediately felt more at ease.
“Helen, is that you?” H..
The weather was perfect, of course, because the Colony
was designed to maintain a steady temperature of 70 degre..
Matt spent a fair amount of
time wishing he were just another guy. This was one of those times. As he and
Helen ma..
Lowered voices from the
kitchen woke her. She rolled over groggily, blinking owlishly in the pale
morning light. H..
“Tell me you love me,”
Sabine purred, her hair falling in a thick curtain on either side of her face.
Finn winced as Helen turned
his face in her hands carefully.
“Who did this to you?” She asked quiet..
“Thank you for the report,
Prefect Mays,” The Chancellor’s fingers were knit together thoughtfull..