This is an honest look at an honest girl
"Do you remember Patrick?" my heart asks me. Yes, I reply, It's not like it was that long ago. "Do you remember how he hurt me?" N..
Again, he stood still as he saw me break in two. He held her hand as he saw mine tremble, smiling at her, laughing with her -- killing me. There is no..
If you’ve ever questioned Empty, don’t expect an answer. She quits you as you should quit her, living quietly and without recognition of t..
It rang last night, breaking the silence that caressed my simple sleep. That silence I have come to know in your absence has made me weak. I find no c..
it is so hot, even the simple cotton sheet has become cumbersome. i cannot sleep alone, yet i cannot sleep next to you. you're body's heat nearly boil..
I lay open on this cold table waiting for all to examine me. It is as if my chest had been snagged on a hook attached to the doorway I entered through..
Wind chimes speak louder than you.
Single notes carry words, dancing on the
toes of a tumbling breeze.
Like water falling; a drip of reflection
Anger does not grow where defeat only deflates.
Suppressed tears destroy the dam that is my facade
As romantic hope stirs only to be thwarted;