Elaine : Writing

To be a child

To be a child

A Poem by Elaine

You know what Iove to dance in the rain the roar of the thunder drwons out my pain You know what I love to swing in the park count to three.....


A Poem by Elaine

She's trapped bytightened strings commanded to do; to dance, to sing No freedom of her own her heart screams as her puppetmaster charades all..
The Dancer

The Dancer

A Poem by Elaine

Colors flash as I dance perfect rythem unbreakable stance limbs extend to the sky I jump, I leap I dance to fly, Audience watching don'..
Tangled in strings

Tangled in strings

A Poem by Elaine

A day has passed a minute gone by a few more seconds and I will fly my wings will unfold my soul will unlock my rythem will steady like the t..


A Poem by Elaine

I want to paint a butterfly filling in its wings i want to paint a humming bird to see its color sing, I want to fill the world with color all ..


A Poem by Elaine

Frozen over melted down flown up shot down pulped to pieces stitched by hand soft as silk; gainy sand set on fire burned to ash scooped ..
why does everything fall apart?

why does everything fall apart?

A Poem by Elaine

Why does everything fall apart Things go away from the start And with every step you take More and more will break, You try to hold it But it t..


A Poem by Elaine

Sometimes it hurts Sometimes it feels good Sometimes it feels weird Or exactly as it should, He’s mean to you He’s nice He tells ..
don't throw words on paper

don't throw words on paper

A Poem by Elaine

If you were to write Words on a page Would they be from happiness? Or pieces of your rage, Would you understand What you had written Or be co..


A Poem by Elaine

The blossoms are in bloom The people gather afar When compared to natureA person is a star