Alana Stare

Alana Stare


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Edmonton, Canada
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Well, we'll try this out for a bit... maybe having feedback will encourage me to more regular writing.

So just who am I? The obvious answer is, like many of you, an aspiring writer. I've aspired to do something with my writing for most of my life. All throughout school my teachers tried to urge me on to pursue it, but a strong need to focus on something else... something more 'sure fire'... set my compass pointing toward Mathematics instead. (That's right... a mathematician... and I loved every minute of it).

Currently, however, I'm stuck in the rather chilly (and flat) province of Alberta, trying to make ends meet, and suffering from an acute case of 'Imperianitus distractorious'... or 'distracted by online text games', while I try to throw myself back into the habit of regular writing.

My writing! When I do write, it nearly always comes out as fiction of some sort, but I somehow never manage to settle on one genre I really want to focus on. My more extensive pieces usually fall into the very vague bucket of 'science fiction', while my 'vignettes' (as I begun calling them somewhere along the line... ) scramble all over the map.

Encouragement always welcome.
Critique even more so.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

You need to get your booty to work and post some more writing! *grin*