If trees were warriors.
Benji KingsleyI snatched up Sunday’s sports section and peeled it open to a random page, holding it taught and high and close enough to my face ..
There’s a fenced acre beyond my backyard, gators live there.
I have an array of stock-metaphors at my disposal, for cases such as this.
You just have to read it!
Getting scammed
A television shares its thoughts and feelings..
It is the year of our lord, two-thousand and...Who gives a f**k? We've lost track a long, long time ago. The naves of this era, for some idealistic, n..
The fortress of my mind captures only air.Ere I surrender myself to its pressures. I must report to the page my conscience,only the matters of life, d..
The Rush, The Devils, The DesertThe Rush sails the sandsAnd combs the dunes for devilsThough hot, it’s not hellPitchfork havin’ beastsFork..