My friend shared with me an essay he had to write for school on what his legacy would be, what he would ultimately leave behind. He scoffed at the ass..
dreams of
running, running, always running
dreams of
something chasing, chasing, always chasing
dreams of
death, death, always death
I ha..
Loving you
is like
for a last
b r e a t h
Still, I try.
Life is taken from a lifeless object.
The alphabet has so many stories to tell, if only we would listen.
Everything has a life.
Love, as a puzzle. Soulmates, as pieces of the puzzle.
Today will always exist tomorrow
tomorrow will never exist today
yesterday never existed at all
A story about how one man's stint in Iraq twisted his mind.
One girl's reaction to an unspeakable event and how her silence effected her life well after the event's occurrence.