elizabeth e.

elizabeth e.


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About Me

I am a child of the light, seeking truth beyond the horizon. I came of age during the late 60's and through my wanderings and explorations I discovered great truths about how I wanted to live my life. At the break of day, despite the wrinkles and liver spots on my face, I am still willing to risk curiosity, wonder, and spontaneous delight in the splendors of the earth and my fellow earth travelers. Communion with fellow travelers have revealed that deep within this body, there is something valuable, worth listening to, and worthy of their trust.


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Posted 17 Years Ago


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Posted 17 Years Ago

You still couldn't post? I am sorry! Try using the 'old edit style' option and see if it works better for you ( you'll see that option when you start to write the text ) . Eager to see what new gem you have to share with us, your adoring public! Thanks again for your kind comments!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Your friendship remains a gift, shining and bright. Thank you.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

And you never razz me about my typos... how sweet!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

How can I say 'thank you' dear friend, for your visitation to the humble pieces of my writing? Your words are always refreshing and uplifting and your visits alwyas leavea a smile in their wake. Hope you are doing OK, and hope to read more entries from you before too long.
May the New Year bring blessing and good to you - and to us all!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Bob, thanks for visiting my profile page. I love your quoting of Lao-Tzu: "When you shape clay into an urn, it is the space within that makes it useful. Cut doors and windows in a room; the opening makes them useful. From the material comes profit. From the immaterial, usefulness."

Very wise!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Bob, I love the profile...this really is you! I recommend you to anyone who comes along and reads this.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Oooh - a blank space for a comment! just as nature abhors a vacuum, because they are so noisy and frighten the pets, and just as an LA graffiti gang artist abhors an undecorated boxcar, so is it difficult for me to pass by a big, white square, without leaving some kind of incoherent detritus which I MAY be able to pass of as uber-deep pontificating!
Welcome ( again) to this new blue wonderland! Feel free to sit at Magi's Cafe sipping tea, wine or house-blend absinthe, it's all on the house.
But..... 'Bob' ??? Is this gender confusion, or are you secretly my uncle?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Bob, you really do need a comment on your home page, so here it is.

Mr Beelzebub said to say hello...he's not in the The Devil's Tea House at the moment...he's sun baking in the open-air burning pit before his annual golf tournament with Big G., Who also says hello. Mrs Beelzebub is minding the Tea House and I've kept a wary eye on Angels On Our Pillows.

Faith is also in the Writers Cafe: m.f. campion