Heart Lace

Heart Lace


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About Me

Name;; Heart Lace
Birthdate;; March 11, 1992
Other;; Currently I am a junior in highschool and am working on becoming a published writer. It's pretty interesting. I can't really complain. I adore random conversations, even more so if it's random conversations on writing - just so you know.

My computerized home is the little link above by my picture. Blogs, witty banter, and book reviews often take place there. It's quite magical, really. You're welcome there at any time unless stated otherwise.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

"It is only in the intentional silence of vigil and meditation, or in the quiet places of nature, that we encounter the song of the universe. Like the wind through the telegraph wires, this song echoes along the pathways of the cosmic web: it includes the celestial spinning of the planets, as well as the hum of insects and the dancing song of the grass; it includes the song of all the ancestors and spirits as well as the beating of our own hearts."

Caitlin Matthews