god is not great, I am : Writing

Beware those most desperate for your company

Beware those most desperate for your company

A Poem by god is not great, I am

The individuals best kept at a distance are those who fear distance the most. Anyone who always needs company and goes to great lengths to avoid being..
Tempting Danger

Tempting Danger

A Poem by god is not great, I am

I sit watching as a man slowly and carelessly makes his way across a busy intersection. Cars sitting at the red lights, their eager, power filled engi..
Night Terrors

Night Terrors

A Poem by god is not great, I am

Outside the world turns black, inside I sit alone.I know they are coming for me,I hold no intention of putting up a fight.The nightmares of my past, r..
Coffee, Cigarettes, and Adderall .

Coffee, Cigarettes, and Adderall .

A Poem by god is not great, I am

The A team.Over energized, and underfed.The longer you stay awake, the easier it gets.You’ll sleep when you’re dead.Forget food, it’..
History repeating

History repeating

A Poem by god is not great, I am

Shh, pay attention.If you had been you would have already seen this coming.Can't you see it?She’s starting to disappear again.We should have kno..

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