F. D. Piercy I I

F. D. Piercy I I


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Winsted, CT
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About Me

I was born a poor white boy, and grew up into a poor white man lol.
Seriously, I am a casual writer, used to be a prolific writer of poetry till I discovered the puter and since then it has become My obsession, then I found this and the are now combined.

My tastes run the board, I love Bukowski and Whitman, Motley Crue and Tommy James, Nora Roberts and Michael Stackpole.

Those who know Me call Me weird or freaky a title I wear proudly.

So please read on and enjoy.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Dear Mr. Piercy:

Thanks again for reading my work, I truly do appreciate your time and the effort you take to comment on my 'rantings'.

*gentle smile*

I have been working on a rather massive project of late and I beg your forgiveness if I have taken too long to reply. (it was NOT my intent to ignore your kind response)

Be well,

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the review! much appreciated :-)


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Mr. Piercy, please accept my thanks for your very gentle comment.

I am known for 'form work� here for the most part, it has been my main concentration... (I have earned the nickname of 'Mistress' at other sites because of this predilection towards the 'frame work' I often adhere to)

I love the 'freedom' I find in the sonnet...it is less harsh than some other forms I have used.

I am grateful that you have read my work, I hope that I will have more work that you might enjoy.

Again, *smile* - thank-you, you are most kind.


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Posted 17 Years Ago


Thank-you so much for your review of 'Letter to my Lover' Mr. Piercy, I am pleased that you enjoyed it.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

You're welcome, and have a great day at work.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I have to agree with you on that!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Why do you think the world has grown complacent in the realm of things? Is it all the parents' fault? Or is society partly to blame as well? I try to wrap my mind around it, and it just hurts to think about it....

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you for the review of the Hippie poem I scribbled. I don't know...Im just tired of all the BS violence in the world. Its pointless.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks so much for the advice will do and I'll read some of yours too!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the review, and if your mind is sick and twisted, then Im the maze.
Most of my writing deals with hints and allegations of BDSM. So, you were kind of on the mark with that one.
But, its really about falling in love with drugs for the first time.