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About Me

I am friendly and talkative, at least that will be true here. Here, I will be engaging as any other curious seventeen year old girl. I love to talk about random things and I'm very good at keeping a conversation going. (Feel free to IM me via AIM anytime: kuronekosama1990.) I am not religious or political at all, but I am ambitious. My dream is to own my own hotels someday nation wide. I've taken a class or two to help that along, and I fully plan on attending Oklahoma State University in the fall of 2008. I firmly believe in thinking before you speak, and I hate people who have to put other people down in order to feel good about themselves. I try not to be so cliche, but sometimes it doesn't work. I try to write deeply meaningful or personal things so that people understand me better. Let me know if it works out, okay?

A few things about myself that I find note worthy are;
1) I am a proud Native American
2) My favorite hobbies include reading, writing, drawing, and blogging.
3) Two of my weird pastimes are collecting shinny pennies and pillows.
4) I am very into manga and anime.
5) I love fanart and fanfiction! In fact, a lot of the things I write are fan works.
6) I enjoy strange company (Example: all my friends)
7) Sarcasm is a second language to me, as well as my friends
8) I'm very into comedians. I know a lot of material!
9) I love 80s music and classic movies
10) The places you are most likely to see me online; youtube, xanga, facebook, deviantart, and myspace

If you'd like to know more about me, feel free to friend me. :]
By the way-- *waves frantically* HI WRITING CLUB GEEKS!!! ^___^


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Posted 17 Years Ago

The Perfect Shot for a story, and any of my poems...

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Posted 17 Years Ago

hey, lacy, can you just pick some random stuff from mine to put in the anthology or should i email you certain ones?