Hi! My name's Maria, I'm 14 ^^ turning fifteen on August 12. I was originally born in Colombia (South America), so yes I speak Spanish. I have black, curly, mid-back long hair, and I'm 5'7. All my life I've been interested in reading, writing, and drawing so I guess you could consider me a very artistic person. I write both original stories and fan fictions, and I have over 10 original stories that are currently developing. :) Unlike most authors I don't write alone, my co-authors are Sydney French and Katy Payne, both very talented writers and manga artists (I'm a manga artist also). We have several books, or folders, that contain awesome stories. Sadly most are fan fictions so we can't claim them. But there are some that are originally ours. We hope that someday we might be able to get our writing out of the dark and into the lime light, but until then; we just keep on writing and hoping.