Why do we bother trying? Is it to make a point, gain some emotion of satisfaction, happiness, sense of accomplishment. Is it just so we can go on to t..
Everything was white, and not a pure white, a blinding white. The kind of white that hurts just to look at. The sky, ground, distance, all white. The..
Looking out the window of a small upperstory room you might find well, not much. I suppose you might find it peaceful as long as your not overly obser..
The clock mocked me, its illuminated numbers ticking away in rapidsuccession. I glared at it daring it to switch over. I had spent all day sitting in..
It had been so. . . as much as she hated it, delightful.
What she saw was nothing, only trees. Although a few of the globes of light had sparked back into existence once again a pale blue shade. But other th..
rather long, be forewarned. wip.
Creeping slowlyFrigid yet welcomingComposed of many yet lonelyDeath its contemplating shadowCovering everything belowIt reaches through the cracksInto..
contest entry~
What is left for a man that has nothing, a man that doesn't even know himself. Does he struggle to find meaning? To discover himself, or maybe he ju..