Astrid Elaine

Astrid Elaine


Writer, reader, and dreamer

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About Me

I never know what to say in these things... So, I'll just list some things that I find important about me or attributes that I feel identify me most.

* I've been writing since I was fourteen, participating in NaNoWriMo 2010 and finishing my first novel, Firefly (which is now being re-written and entirely changed). I had to stop after that because I began college, and there wasn't too much free time. In NaNo 2012, I finished my second novel, Ashes to Ashes. It took me a while to settle on a new idea after that, but at the end of December I determined that I would re-write my first novel. Hopefully I will begin posting some of the first chapters soon :)

* College: If I make any strange references that aren't a part of the "normal" college experience, it's because I didn't have that. I began college when I was fifteen, and graduated two years later at just under seventeen (it was an accelerated, online program; if you'd like more info, just message me!) Maybe this is bragging - I hope no one takes it that way - but it's a big part of who I am, and that's what this box is for, I suppose.

* I love to write fantasy and science fiction; it seems that I'm better suited to creating a world from the ground up rather than fitting into a world that's already been.

* When I read, I'll usually gravitate towards those two genres (Orson Scott Card, anyone?), but I also like historical fiction and literary fiction.

That's it, for now :) Thanks for taking the time to read this!


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Posted 12 Years Ago

" I send you Loving Energy that You may set yourself Free and Connect with others in a way that Blesses everyone as it gives Birth to Miracles. "

MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One