when everyone else has gone to sleep,so late it has become early morning,we talkargue about philosophy, religion, love.our words spin in circles,danci..
I look up to a photo on the wallone face among the faces sets my skin a crawlall my life it's hung above mea mystery I longed to solve.How can I make ..
What would I do
if you cut yourself for me?
brilliant red lacerations on your arms:
all for me.
How wouldthose silver line..
I feel like I've been broken
little peices scattered round
square glass on asphalt
twisted hunks of metal
and yet here I am in the center
dazed ..
The first knowelde of a babe
is drawn out soley from his name.
it is the glue that binds him,
the stone that grinds him,
forever to define him.
whistle a lively tune, my friend,
whistle to keep out the heart.
banish sad thoughts from your home, mi amore,
strive to keep them apart.
Damn it!
rolling through my head like thunder DAMN IT!
It wasn't supposed to go this way
I want to throw my hand to the wall
feel the calming flo..
Today my thoughts are turning back to you. Back into those ethereal summer nights when we would lounge back in comfort, separated by the length of a r..
You can't wish love into being
you can try
but Jinn in washed up bottles are not reliable
they like to cheat their masters of their prize
the love..