Randolf Ramos : Writing

My Weird Type of Emphaty

My Weird Type of Emphaty

A Story by Randolf Ramos

Describe not what empathy is in a not so hard to bear way on my account. I' am churned up in confusion, realizing that in a not so distant future..
The Parable of Dying Creatures

The Parable of Dying Creatures

A Story by Randolf Ramos

The untimely death of my grandmother is a grief producing tragedy of our family. Every news that regards death in its formidable form, there is n..
Irony of my Existence

Irony of my Existence

A Poem by Randolf Ramos

Have you ever wonder the way I do? Why do we have to live, do this and that from our own point of view. why do we have to be born, or one to be mou..


A Poem by Randolf Ramos

Dauntless I’am I have it in for love! Deemed thy heart calloused when true love confide. My heart stricken soul amidst cupid’s clap Tel..


A Poem by Randolf Ramos

To roam this earth no more And lure on that immortals door Behold thy ultimate life’s defeat As death pulls you over by your feet The trai..


A Poem by Randolf Ramos

So long I mourn by thy unkindness Disgraced me thou hath never knew Though I weep and can never return it with unkindness Flairing love frazzle, m..


A Poem by Randolf Ramos

Weep no more on the distant shore Calm like music and repertoire Silence is good humility you’ve craved wouldnt be stolen and dig it from you..
My Way

My Way

A Poem by Randolf Ramos

If there is nothing good comes my way Still I don’t need to utter, no need to say I have to make my own way Oh my humility don’t ..
Chronicle of Life

Chronicle of Life

A Poem by Randolf Ramos

Your youthful hours and beauty may someday elude. As you roam through the world. And as you remove that youthful innocence hood The youthful ..
November 21, 2009

November 21, 2009

A Poem by Randolf Ramos

T’was on the 21st of November’s night were cold Where crickets on the midst of the night Echoes the music from their voices The r..